Commission to review the ePrivacy Directive

e-privacy-nl-2-2016The Commission launched a public consultation on the evaluation and the possible changes to the current ePrivacy Directive. The ePrivacy Directive is a crucial piece of legislation setting-up specific rules concerning the processing of personal data in the electronic communication sector.

Since its adoption in 2009, the electronic communications industry has been rapidly growing. Due to rapid technical growth in the past years, the discussion table will likely contain the security and confidentiality of communications, inconsistent fragmentation of legislation at national level and the enlargement of scope of the ePrivacy Directive.

The feedback from the consultation will be used to prepare a new legislative proposal on ePrivacy, which is likely to be put forward by the Commission at the end of 2016.

The review of the ePrivacy Directive would affect electronic communications network providers, providers of electronic communication services, Internet content providers and companies active in the area of security.