Free Trade Agreement Between India And The EU


Alber & Geiger was asked to advise and support the Government of India amid concerns coming from Members of the European Parliament in relation to trade, human rights and privacy. Such activity in the European Parliament, coming in the form of parliamentary questions and motions for resolutions risked turning into conditionality clauses in the EU-India bilateral relations.


ag-wins-map-financial-crisisOur team embarked on a comprehensive campaign with EU lawmakers addressed their concerns. We turned the focus on India’s growing economic, technological and geopolitical role and emphasized the untapped potential for bilateral relations. By providing factual evidence and a clearer understanding over the expressed concerns, we were able to switch the focus towards the bilateral opportunities and fostering trade relations via a free trade agreement.


With our diplomatic and advocacy experience we assisted the Government of India navigate the political landscape in the European Parliament. Thanks to our strategy and government affairs support, EU lawmakers now support the EU-India free trade deal.