The EU’s objective in the energy sector remains securing affordable and climate-friendly energy under the framework of an integrated energy market. To this end, the EU Commission just recently outlined its key action areas for 2016 – branding it the year of delivery.
First and foremost, the EU will adopt a new Regulation on security of electricity and gas supply, and will revise the corresponding regulation of inter-governmental agreements in this area. With focus on climate change, the EU must also review its renewable energy package, including criteria for biomass and energy efficiency, as well as integrate the Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry sector (LULUCF) into the 2030 climate framework, if it is to remain on course for the ambitious 40% emissions reduction target before year 2030.
The molding of these measures needs to be closely followed and assisted, as they have the potency to significantly boost or restrict the exchange of electricity and gas and distort the supply and prices of energy in Europe.