European legislation restricting the use of hazardous substances (RoHS) in electrical and electronic equipment was approved in 2003 and has since been reviewed in 2011 and 2017. The European Commission initiated in September a consultation to collect public and business’ opinions in order to assess the performance of the restriction of hazardous elements, the management of chemical waste and the impact of these materials on human and environmental health. Currently the use of lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, PBB and PBDE in electrical and electronic equipment is restricted. Four phthalates were recently added to this list in July 2019.
The evaluation will assess the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and coherence of the current RoHS. The consultation will evaluate the functioning of the Internal Market, ensuring that the current legislation avoids distortion of competition that arises from differing product requirements among Member States. Input from the consultation will shape the Commission’s decision on policy options for the future. Amendments to the directive will affect a wide scope of manufacturers, as any product, which requires electric currents, is within scope. It has potential to affect the circular economy, restrict chemicals, and increase the standards of chemical waste management.